Lesson: User Defined Types p. 2

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Project and Class Design
  • Create an implementation of Pokemon


  • Project
  • Read through the handout, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Project Handout
10 Minutes Lesson
15 Minutes Project OverView
25 Minutes Project Planning
Day 2-7
5 Minutes Planning/Questions
10 Minutes Review of Questions
35 Minutes Project Work
5 Minutes Wrap up

Instructor's Note

  1. Intro Day
    1. Project Hand Out
      • Hand out the project spec and have students read through it.
    2. Lesson
      • Discuss Class Design
        • If you find yourself creating many classes with similar methods using inheritance
        • Figure out the actual structure without writing code and use that to create your classes
    3. Project Overview
      • Pokemon game spec
      • Talk about major aspects of the game
    4. Project Planning
      • Have students write down the classes and methods they need to create
      • Have them outline what they will do each day
  2. Project Days
    1. Planning/Questions
      • Have students write down what they want to do that day and any questions they have from yesterday
    2. Review
      • if necessary, review any concepts or struggles the class was having
    3. Project Work
      • students work on their projects indecently
    4. Wrap Up
      • have the students write down what they struggled on or had a hard time doing.