Lesson 5.05: EarSketch Project

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Create song with multiple parts
  • Utilize EarSketch's features and functions


  • Do Now
  • Lab
  • Read through the Do Now, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Do Now
10 Minutes Project Overview
15 Minutes Project Planning
15 Minutes Start Working
Day 2-5
5 Minutes Day Planning
10 Minutes Topic Review
35 Minutes Project Work
5 Minutes Debrief

Instructor's Notes

  1. Do Now
    • Display the Do Now on the board
    • For project days, Do Now is writing down issues they had with the project from the day before and what they plan on doing today and how that fits into their schedule.
  2. Project Overview
    • Review the subjects from the unit. Talk about any questions or things the students are struggling with
    • Discuss the parts of the song mentioned in the Do Now(chorus, bridge, and verses) and how they fit into building a song
    • Demo a final song.
  3. Project Planning
    • Have students write down the parts of the song they will need. Also have them write down the forms they will need for each song and the general structure of each part.