Lesson 1.06: Mad Libs

Learning Objectives

  • Apply basic Python knowledge about inputs/outputs and variables to create a game of madlibs
  • Practice good debugging skills


Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Quiz Debrief
10 Minutes Project Overview
40 Minutes Project Work

Day 2 (if needed)

Duration Description
45 Minutes Project Work
10 Minutes Wrap Up - Student Demos

Instructors Notes

  1. Project Overview
    • Introduce students to the Mad Lib concept by using a short, written out Mad Lib on the whiteboard, poster paper, or projector.
    • Pass out and the project specification and walk students through all the requirements and potential challenges.
    • Emphasize that prompts must ask for the correct noun-verb combinations.
    • Encourage students to look at the grading rubric on page two repeatedly throughout the project to ensure they are meeting all the requirements.
    • Demo a sample project solution for students to see how a completed program should function.
    • Identify the sub problems of Mad Libs
      • Have students list what variables, inputs, and print statements they will need
  2. Project Work
    • This project is a summative assessment for the unit. Students should be demonstrating mastery of all the skills covered.
    • Most students will require roughly 1 hour of total work time to complete the project
    • Assess the progress of your students regularly using such techniques as asking them to demonstrate their incomplete programs, tracking questions asked during lab time, and/or utilizing peer reviews.
    • Adjust the amount of time allowed for the project to fit the needs of your students
      • It is vital that nearly all students complete the project before moving on
    • If most students have the ability to work on assignments at home, the amount of in-class time provided can be reduced if necessary.
      • If this approach is taken, be sure to make accommodations for students who not able to work at home, such as after school lab hours
    • Ensure that students are able to ask questions in class throughout the project
  3. Wrap Up - Student Demos
    • Celebrate and showcase student work once projects are completed.
      • Have students demonstrate their Mad Libs for the class, with the class choosing what nouns/verbs/etc to use for the story.


Ask students to research casting. Have them add, subtract, or multiply values as part of the story.