Lesson 5.03: Earsketch Control Flow

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Define and Identify: modulo
  • Use looping concepts in music making via EarSketch
  • Use control structures to create music
  • Review looping and controls structures


  • Do Now
  • Lab
  • Associated Reading in EarSketch
  • Read through the Do Now, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Do Now
10 Minutes Lesson
30 Minutes Lab
10 Minutes Debrief

Instructor's Notes

  1. Do Now
    • Display the Do Now on the board
  2. Lesson
    • Ask what phrases the students wrote down or remembered from the reading.
      • Review looping. Look at the examples given and play them for the class. Ask students if there is any issue they notice and talk about how the looping works. Look through the other examples given. Focusing on the last example in the
      • Review if statements and control flow. As with looping go over examples (starting at section Conditional Statements in Loops). Focus on the modulo operator, but it is an operator that returns the remainder of the division
  3. Lab
    • Asks the student to practice using looping to make a song a single track. Have them use if statements and modulo operator
    • Ask the students to practice using looping and effects and control flow structures while using 2-3 different tracks
  4. Debrief
    • Talk about any of the phrases or issues the students had. Did they find it easy to understand the code when they read it.