Python Online Editor Sign Up

We will be using the online IDE cloud9 to write python code this semester. Below are instructions for how to sign up, name a file, create a new file, and turn in a file. Refer back to this sheet if you are having difficulties.

Sign Up Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Create account Initial Sign Up Photo
  3. Verify your email address
  4. Click the link to go to your dashboard
  5. Click the plus sign to Create a new workspace New Workspace Photo
  6. Name your workspace smhs- (example: smhs-76paul ) and give your workspace a description
  7. Make your workspace private
  8. Click "Create workspace" at the bottom of the page Filled in workspace photo
  9. This will take a few seconds to set you up, but it will look like this: Cloud9 empty workspace photo
  10. From the top panel select window, pick share (third choice from the top) Cloud9 window to share
  11. Enter ttwu, , in the "Invite People" section - this shares your workspace with your teachers and allows them to add comments. Cloud9 Share options photo

Creating a New File

  1. Click the plus button near the top of the page to create a new file Creating a new file photo
  2. Enter this into your editor Hello World program
  3. Press Ctrl-s to save the file. Enter the filename and press the save button

Parts of the IDE

Parts of the IDE

  1. File tree
  2. Bash/terminal
  3. Editor

You can ignore the other parts for now!

Running Python

  1. In the bottom half of the screen there should be a tab called "bash"
    1. If there is not a tab called "bash", click the plus button and choose "new terminal" New terminal photo
  2. To run the interactive shell: type python3 into the prompt Interactive shell
  3. To run a file: type python3 [filename], but instead of [filename] use the name of the file you are trying to run