Traversing a list

The most common way to traverse the elements of a list is with a for loop. The syntax is the same as for strings:

for cheese in cheeses:
    print cheese

This works well if you only need to read the elements of the list. A for loop over an empty list never executes the body:

for x in []: print 'This never happens.'

Although a list can contain another list, the nested list still counts as a single element. The length of this list is four: ['spam', 1, ['Brie', 'Roquefort', 'Pol le Veq'], [1, 2, 3]]

Traversing a String

A lot of computations involve processing a string one character at a time. Often they start at the beginning, select each character in turn, do something to it, and continue until the end. This pattern of processing is called a traversal. One way to write a traversal is with a while loop:

index = 0
while index < len(fruit):
    letter = fruit[index]
    print letter
    index = index + 1

This loop traverses the string and displays each letter on a line by itself. The loop condition is index < len(fruit), so when index is equal to the length of the string, the condition is false, and the body of the loop is not executed. The last character accessed is the one with the index len(fruit)-1, which is the last character in the string.

Exercise 1

Write a function that takes a string as an argument and displays the letters backward, one per line.

Another way to write a traversal is with a for loop:

for char in fruit:
    print char

Each time through the loop, the next character in the string is assigned to the variable char. The loop continues until no characters are left.

The following example shows how to use concatenation (string addition) and a for loop to generate an abecedarian series (that is, in alphabetical order). In Robert McCloskey’s book Make Way for Ducklings, the names of the ducklings are Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack. This loop outputs these names in order:

prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ'
suffix = 'ack'

for letter in prefixes:
    print letter + suffix
The output is:

Of course, that’s not quite right because “Ouack” and “Quack” are misspelled.

Exercise 2

Modify the program to fix this error.

Looping and counting

The following program counts the number of times the letter a appears in a string:

word = 'banana'
count = 0
for letter in word:
    if letter == 'a':
        count = count + 1
print count

This program demonstrates another pattern of computation called a counter. The variable count is initialized to 0 and then incremented each time an a is found. When the loop exits, count contains the result—the total number of a’s.

Exercise 5

Encapsulate this code in a function named count, and generalize it so that it accepts the string and the letter as arguments.

Exercise 6

Rewrite this function so that instead of traversing the string, it uses the three-parameter version of find from the previous section.