Lab 3.04 - Aliasing & Scope


  • Will updating b affect a?

          a = [1, 2, 4]
          b = a

  • What will the list print out after this code is run?

       # input: a list of ints
       # output: an int
       def update_list(a_list): 
           if len(a_list) > 5: 
               a_list[3] = "yo"
               b = a_list[4]
               c = a 
           return c
       my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


  • Draw the stack diagram for the following:

      var_1 = "kittens"
      var_2 = "cookies"
      # input: a string
      # output: a string
      def my_function(my_favorite_things): 
          song_lyrics = "rain drops on roses,"
          combined_song = song_lyrics + my_favorite_things
          return combined_song
      # input: a string
      # output: a string    
      def my_function_2(item, item2): 
          full_lyrics = item + "on " + item2
          full_song = my_function(full_lyrics)
          return full_song
      my_song = my_function_2(var_1, var_2)