Lesson 5.04: EarSketch User Defined Functions

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Define and Identify: abstraction, section, A-B-A form
  • Using user defined functions to create songs with complicated form


  • Do Now
  • Lab
  • Associated Reading in EarSketch
  • Read through the Do Now, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Do Now
10 Minutes Lesson
30 Minutes Lab
10 Minutes Debrief

Instructor's Notes

  1. Do Now
    • Display the Do Now on the board
  2. Lesson
    • Ask what phrases the students wrote down or remembered from the reading.
      • Section: generally refers to several measures of music (often 2, 4, 8, or 16 measures) that sound like a single musical unit
      • A-B-A Form: a song divided into three sections:
        • Section A: measures 1-4.
        • Section B: measures 5-7. Features contrasting sounds to Section A.
        • Section A (repeated): measures 7-10.
    • Ask students about returning the measure number. Go over the concept of passing around the measure number and make sure students understand how it would be helpful. (Since it allows you to change how long/short sections are without updating every function)
  3. Lab
  4. Debrief
    • Talk about any of the phrases or issues the students had. Did they find it easy to understand the code when they read it.